Communicating Effectively in Emergencies (HTML 5) Course

Author: TrainingToday Marketplace

The main objective of this training session is to help you communicate effectively with employees about workplace emergencies. By the time the session is over, you should be able to communicate effectively before an emergency; communicate effectively during an emergency; and communicate effectively after an emergency. The first part of the session will address communication before emergencies to prepare employees to respond effectively in an actual emergency. The second part will cover communication during and after an emergency. Duration: 36 minutes.

Keywords: communicating effectively in emergencies, Communicating, emergencies, Effectively

Communicating Effectively in Emergencies (HTML 5) Course

Communicating Effectively in Emergencies (HTML 5)

The main objective of this training session is to help you communicate effectively with employees about workplace emergencies. By the time the session is over, you should be able to communicate effectively before an emergency; communicate effectively during an emergency; and communicate effectively after an emergency. The first part of the session will address communication before emergencies to prepare employees to respond effectively in an actual emergency. The second part will cover communication during and after an emergency. Duration: 36 minutes.

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Price :

$23.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 578 Times

Difficulty: Normal

# Licenses Discounted Price
1 $23.00
101 $21.00
251 $19.00
501 $18.00
1001 $16.00
1001 $16.00

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